Monday, May 9, 2011

Passion for art

Hey guys. I felt like I'd share my passion for art. I 'm not saying I'm that great, but I sure love to do it. It can come to almost anything. In my art class I've made realistic pipes to a cow made out of clay. Since I don't have any pictures of my art except the cow, here he is:

Front view

Side view

Other side view

Yes, I know his front legs are a little squished, but you have to admit it's a little cool. I wish I could show you some more of my artwork, but Mrs.Bleak won't let me take it home. Once I can though, I'll try to take good pictures of them for you to see. I've also even made a neon comic poster of batman. I can't wait until she lets me bring home my radial piece we're doing right now. It will look fantastic! Anyways, as I've explained, I have a deep passion for art.

Then again, this actually includes singing. I have stage-fright, so hardly anyone has ever heard me sing, but I love to. I only do it when I'm all alone so nobody can hear me. But I can sing if others sing with me. They occasionally pick out my voice. My friend Anna loves my voice, but I don't really think I'm that great.  My friend Keely has a great voice, and she can write songs! She wrote a song and recorded it for my friend Ciel to apologize for the fight they were in.

I will constantly post up my art whenever I can!


1 comment:

  1. I cannot see any of the pictures of your art!!!
    By the way, nice name! :)
