Friday, July 8, 2011


Yup, I got braces. It's not all that bad, not including the fact that brushing my teeth is now very grueling. Also, my teeth still haven't adjusted and are very sore. But I'm still happy, because now that I have braces I find myself smiling more than I used to. I'm told that My teeth should stop hurting tomorrow, and I'm very excited.
I haven't been able to even use my teeth at all because they are so sore. Anyways, I will have them on for two whole years, and will probably lose quite a bit of weight. I can't have any sugar anymore, and I have to scrub my teeth everytime I eat. No sugar, no snacks, and not lots of salt because I don't want to have a kanker while I have braces. Bring it on braces!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It makes you think.

Lately, I've been thinking how almost any situation usually ends up bringing people closer. Even if there is an argument, in the end it's all the same. Like, yesterday I was driving back up to my mom's house from my dad's, and my half-brother Logan threw up in the car. We had to pull over to the side of the rode and fix it. After that my dad was a little bitter, but after a while we were all laughing and talking. I just guess we humans function strangely. It's       also the really weird, crazy, and funny things that tie a family together. I remember just a few weeks ago, I was watching T.V. with my little brother Nathan. He randomly starts singing some song that I think is called "Everybody wants to go to Japan." He was sitting to my right ,then to my left my older sister walks in while wearing her pajama's and is saying Moose Pants over and over.

Yup, so I was hoping that on this post people could tell some good or bad things that brought your families or friends closer!


Thursday, June 9, 2011


I'M OUT OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only problem is I won't see most of my friends, or Isaac. But I did have him sign my yearbook, and I signed his <3 Anyways, I really want this summer to rock! Good summer to you guys too!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I'm so happy! I finally worked up the guts to tell my friend Shawn about my problem! He told me that honestly Isaac is a better choice because he is nicer, doesn't swear, is a better Mormon, and doesn't usually lie. And He is still super cute! It's perfect! He told me Caleb was kinda full of himself and just plays guitar. So anyways, I've now decided I only like Isaac! It may take a while to let go of Caleb since I liked him first, but I will! Thanks for your guy's support!

Next Day- And now guess what! Shawn said he would ask Isaac if he liked anyone for me! He did, and Isaac said he does! But he didn't say who. This is good and bad. It could be me, but I have a feeling it's somebody else. Anyways, I asked Shawn to ask Isaac if he wanted to know who liked him. And I said if he does, then Shawn can tell him but has to tell me his reaction.


Monday, May 30, 2011

School troubles.

I'm finding myself in one deep pickle. You see, since the first quarter I've had a crush on this kid named Caleb. I even managed to talk to him a few times. In the next semester, I find out he has a twin brother. You see, I liked Caleb because he was cute, seemed nice and fun-loving, and absolutely loves music. He loves the Beatles, and so do I. I meet his twin an find he is also cute, smart, rather funny, nice, and strong. I found that I kinda liked him to! Then a few days ago, Caleb passed me in the hall, looked at me for 10 seconds, then crossed in front of he and put his arm around the back of Abbie, a girl I know, momentarily.

I felt super down, because I had thought he always liked me. I have seen him staring at me many times. But I wasn't sure is they were dating or anything, because he is Mormon like me. I decided to let it go and only like Isaac, the twin. But I couldn't. I can't let go of Isaac either. On Friday, I went to the gold citizenship activity, which was swimming. Both Caleb and Isaac were there. I am very secure about myself, so I wore a baggy t-shirt and shorts over my swimming suit. I saw Caleb looking at me again several times, and Isaac twice. After that on the bus, I casually asked my friend Shawn if they were dating. He told me he didn't know, and mentioned that they swore all the time. That changed my perspective completely.

And now to add to it. Today the band performed for us while we ate lunch in the cafeteria. Caleb and Isaac are both in band. Again, Caleb looked at me many times, and Isaac was to busy looking at the music. But after that, while I was locked out of my fifth period class, I saw him with Abbie again. I'm so confused!

So yeah, I'm really torn here! Please comment something I could do to at least feel better.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Passion for art

Hey guys. I felt like I'd share my passion for art. I 'm not saying I'm that great, but I sure love to do it. It can come to almost anything. In my art class I've made realistic pipes to a cow made out of clay. Since I don't have any pictures of my art except the cow, here he is:

Front view

Side view

Other side view

Yes, I know his front legs are a little squished, but you have to admit it's a little cool. I wish I could show you some more of my artwork, but Mrs.Bleak won't let me take it home. Once I can though, I'll try to take good pictures of them for you to see. I've also even made a neon comic poster of batman. I can't wait until she lets me bring home my radial piece we're doing right now. It will look fantastic! Anyways, as I've explained, I have a deep passion for art.

Then again, this actually includes singing. I have stage-fright, so hardly anyone has ever heard me sing, but I love to. I only do it when I'm all alone so nobody can hear me. But I can sing if others sing with me. They occasionally pick out my voice. My friend Anna loves my voice, but I don't really think I'm that great.  My friend Keely has a great voice, and she can write songs! She wrote a song and recorded it for my friend Ciel to apologize for the fight they were in.

I will constantly post up my art whenever I can!


Saturday, May 7, 2011


The tide rises, the tide falls,
The twilight darkens, the curlew calls;
Along the sea-sands damp and brown
The traveler hastens toward the town,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

Darkness settles on roofs and walls,
But the sea, the sea in darkness calls;
The little waves, with their soft, white hands
Efface the footprints in the sands,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls
Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls;
The day returns, but nevermore
Returned the traveler to the shore

And the tide rises, the tide falls.

You could maybe say our life is like the sand of a beach. The footprints of events make their way in, but the tides of fate eventually wash them away. You never know what to expect from life, almost like the sparkling tides. Sometimes, the tides could even match how we feel. I, personally,  would say I'm that nice calm tide that cools your feet as you watch the sunset on the sand. But that's just me. I know this isn't that deep or awesome as Pinestar's, but I hope you enjoyed it!

~Rachel (Yes that's my name)